Failed Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton Makes Revolting Claims — Pushes For The Electoral College Be Abolished While Casting Votes In New York

OPINION | This article contains commentary that reflects the author's opinion.

Hillary Clinton claims that she is an advocate for abolishing the Electoral College, according to The Daily Wire.

“I believe we should abolish the Electoral College and select our president by the winner of the popular vote, same as every other office.”

“But while it still exists, I was proud to cast my vote in New York for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.”

Fox News said, “Clintons calling for the abolishment of the Electoral College dates back to then-Texas Gov. George W. Bush’s 2000 victory over then-Vice President Al Gore, the previous time a popular vote winner lost the Electoral College count.

More from The Daily Wire:

But while Clinton lost the Electoral College vote in 2016 after winning the popular vote by 3 million, Biden has secured a victory in both (though President Trump is still challenging the official vote tally in at least five battleground states), leaving far fewer Democrats clamoring to eliminate the Electoral College — something that could only be done by Constitutional amendment.

The Electoral College exists to give smaller, less populous states a larger say in choosing a leader than they would receive if the vote were based purely on population. A “national popular vote” would leave selecting a president in the hands of states like California, New York, Illinois, and Texas, where most of the country’s population resides, leaving smaller states like Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania out in the cold.

Clinton has long-since theorized that, if 2016 had been a “popular vote” election that she would have taken the White House easily, but a popular vote election would have necessitated a change in strategy for both parties, and Clinton’s strategy for winning the Electoral College appears to have been largely at fault for her loss. The Clinton campaign abandoned efforts in two key states, Wisconsin and Michigan, and Trump’s campaign snapped up vulnerable swing populations in both states.