Super Bowl Controversy: Black National Anthem Performance Sparks Debate

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OPINION | This article contains commentary that reflects the author's opinion.

The NFL faced criticism for including the Black national anthem, “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” in its Super Bowl LVIII pregame lineup.

This decision sparked debate on social media, with some questioning the need for a separate anthem and others highlighting the historical context of national anthems.

“Sigh… While they’re at it, how about the University of Michigan fight song?” wrote Larry Elder.

“Bro, we’re American. Why tf do we need Lift Every Voice and Sing?” wrote another commenter.

The NFL began playing the Black national anthem in 2020 following George Floyd’s death and the subsequent protests against racial injustice.

“The white national anthem is played. It was written by a racist enslaver who believed Black people were inferior and fought abolitionists in the courts,” claimed a user.

“It did not become our national anthem until the 1930s partially because the song itself has racist lyrics. You all really should not boast your historical ignorance so loudly in an effort to constantly be aggrieved about the country you remain atop of,” recommended another fan.

In addition to this, Reba McEntire was chosen for the national anthem and Post Malone for “America the Beautiful.”

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