Jack Dorsey Pulls the Curtain Back on CNN and It’s Even Uglier Than We Thought

OPINION | This article contains commentary that reflects the author's opinion.

In a bombshell development, former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey says he has personally witnessed an incident where CNN attempted to create false news in order to spin their own political narrative.

This comes as a surprise given Dorsey’s liberal political views. Dorsey has donated significantly to Democrats and openly supports the radical liberal policy of “universal basic income.” He also oversaw the banning of Donald Trump from Twitter and has supported Twitter’s widespread censorship of the social platform.

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Dorsey claims that CNN promoted false news because he witnessed the far-left network try to cause conflict during the Ferguson, Missouri riots back in 2014.

A tweet from Miss Universe Iraq 2017 Sarah Abdali Idan initially said, “Even CNN sometimes sell false news. I know this from covering Iraq events in 2019. People need to understand every media is prone to either mistakes or deliberate corruption. Do your own investigation before believing what they’re selling you.”

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Dorsey responded, “I know this from being on the streets of Ferguson during the protests and watching them try to create conflict and film it causing the protestors to chant ‘f*** CNN’.”

More on this story via Daily Wire:

Idan’s tweet stemmed from an earlier remark that Dorsey made on the platform when he called out CNN’s Brian Stelter and a columnist for The Washington Post on Monday over a tweet that took aim at Fox News host Tucker Carlson.

Dorsey referenced a tweet from Stelter that stated: “Tucker Carlson is always selling the same thing, @pbump says: ‘He’s selling doubt…’”

Dorsey responded to the tweet by asking in a tweet, “and you all are selling hope?”

Elizabeth Spiers, a leftist that appears on MSNBC, responded to Dorsey, writing, “They’re selling truth, which is hope-agnostic. It’s supposed to inform you, not make you feel some kind of way.”

Idan’s tweet was a response to Spiers’ tweet.

Dorsey made news over the weekend when he slammed the Twitter’s board of directors as entrepreneur Elon Musk, the world’s richest man tries to take over the company.

Dorsey was responding to the following tweet when he made his remark, “If look into the history of Twitter board, it’s intriguing as I was a witness on its early beginnings, mired in plots and coups, and particularly amongst Twitter’s founding members. I wish if it could be made into a Hollywood thriller one day.”

Dorsey responded, “It’s consistently been the dysfunction of the company.”

Dorsey also said “big facts” in response to the following statement from venture capitalist Fred Destin: “What I do know for sure is that this old Silicon Valley proverb is grounded in age-old wisdom that still applies today: Good boards don’t create good companies, but a bad board will kill a company every time.”