Biblical Evidence Story Stuns Joe Rogan — He Couldn’t Sleep After Learning This

OPINION | This article contains commentary that reflects the author's opinion.

Top podcaster Joe Rogan discovered a new scientific fact that lends support to the Biblical story of Noah and the flood.

Scientists have found rocks 400 miles beneath the surface of the Earth that contain a massive amount of water.

It’s estimated that the water supply is “three times bigger than the oceans that sit on the surface.”

“Man, it’s after 2am, I should probably get some sleep,” Rogan told fans. “F*** sleep, it’s rabbit hole time.”

Rogan shared an article to Northwestern University geophysicist Steve Jacobsen, who was part of the team that discovered the presence of the water.

“The ringwoodite is like a sponge, soaking up water,” Jacobsen wrote, referring to the type of rock. “There is something very special about the crystal structure of ringwoodite that allows it to attract hydrogen and trap water.”

More on this story via Western Journal:

The scientists who made the discovery in 2014 said this huge ocean of water is locked inside a layer of the Earth’s crust that is made up of a rock called “ringwoodite.”

“This mineral can contain a lot of water under conditions of the deep mantle,” Jacobsen added.

“Geological processes on the Earth’s surface, such as earthquakes or erupting volcanoes, are an expression of what is going on inside the Earth, out of our sight,” Jacobsen explained. “I think we are finally seeing evidence for a whole-Earth water cycle, which may help explain the vast amount of liquid water on the surface of our habitable planet. Scientists have been looking for this missing deep water for decades.”

Jacobsen, along with University of New Mexico seismologist Brandon Schmandt, authored the paper entitled, “Dehydration melting at the top of the lower mantle,” in which they explain how waves of water sink down through the Earth’s crust and become trapped some 400 miles down in this special rock.