TV Ratings Released for Jan. 6 Hearing: All Three Major Networks Attracted Below Average Audience Size

OPINION | This article contains commentary that reflects the author's opinion.

Democrats were hoping a prime-time hearing on their investigation into the events of January 6th at the U.S. Capitol would gain the interest of Americans.

TV ratings painted a different picture.

According to Newsbusters, all three major broadcast networks that aired the hearing ended up with a smaller audience than if they had simply provided their usual news content.

Beginning with ABC, the network received 4.35 million viewers for the hearing, but it usually draws 7.4 million viewers for “World News Tonight.” This is based on ratings from the week of June 1.

On NBC, the network attracted 3.31 million viewers, which is roughly half of the 6.06 million viewers who usually tune in.

On CBS, the network attracted 3.24 million viewers, which is lower than the nightly average of 4.3 million viewers.

Top Democrats and a few anti-Trump Republicans have continued their witch hunt known as the Jan. 6 committee.

The committee is investigating the events of January 6, 2021 at the U.S. Capitol, hoping to pin it all on President Trump. Democrats have created a false narrative that the events of January 6 were an organized attempt to overturn the presidential election result.

Citing the FBI officials, an exclusive Reuters report has already shot down this theory.

On the contrary, there is strong evidence that roughly 96% of cases were “one-off incidents” and only 4% could be tied to various militia-type groups. These groups were still not centrally coordinated.

“The FBI has so far found no evidence that he [President Trump] or people directly around him were involved in organizing the violence, according to the four current and former law enforcement officials,” FBI officials told Reuters.

“FBI at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump,” the report adds.

More on this story via Western Journal:

The 18-49 age group in particular was turned off by the substitution of the hearing for the news. Across the networks, an average of 596,000 viewers in that age range watched the hearings. However, 996,000 viewers would be watching the news on an average night.

Tucker Carlson of Fox News — the only major network not to devote its evening to the hearing — said the media allowing itself to be a publicity tool for the hearing was “a day that will live in shame in the history of the American news business.”

In an op-ed on Fox News Carlson called the hearing “unedited campaign propaganda scripted by the Democratic Party.”

Carlson said the prime-time event “was definitely not a hearing. It was a show trial.”

“At a hearing, dissent is permitted. The other side can speak. Evidence is presented. Evidence is not censored or deceptively edited. That’s not allowed,” he wrote.

Carlson said media leaders are working with Democratic Party leaders and President Joe Biden to distract Americans from the major issue stalking the nation – inflation.

Carlson accused the media of “complicity in a campaign to fool the public, to make you believe that your personal concerns like the fact you can’t buy food or drive anywhere or the police won’t come because they can’t afford gas, those are not important.”