Mother Who Wants 8-Year-Old Son to Transition to Girl Gets Major Court Victory

OPINION | This article contains commentary that reflects the author's opinion.

An ongoing legal battle in Texas just delivered positive news to the mother who wants to transition her 8-year-old son.

Texas District Judge Mary Brown has granted full custody of James Younger to Anne Georgulas.

Anne insists that her son James should be identified as a girl named Luna.

The judge, who sided with Anne, is identified by Western Journal as a Democrat.

James’ father has been fighting against the mother’s goal of having her son to transition. This ruling a big setback for James’ father.

of his 8-year-old son over her plan to force him to be transformed into a girl has received a setback in court.

More from Western Journal:

The ruling said the boy’s father, Jeffrey Younger, “failed to timely make the payments of child support, medical support and interest as ordered and only paid his past due support after the motion for enforcement was filed.”

The judge — a Democrat — then ruled that due to what she called Jeffrey Younger’s “unwillingness or inability to follow the order designed to serve the best interests of the children, the court finds that it is necessary for the health and safety of the children that Ms. Georgulas have the following exclusive rights on a temporary basis.”

Those rights include full custody rights to the boy.

Conscious of the long-running battle over gender, the judge’s ruling issued limits on what the child’s mother can do regarding medical issues, with the unusual emphasis of all-caps text.

The ruling gave Georgulas “the exclusive right to consent to medical, dental, and surgical treatment involving invasive procedures, EXCEPT THAT NEITHER PARENT MAY TREAT A CHILD WITH HORMONAL SUPPORESSION THERAPY, PUBERTY BLOCKERS, AND /OR [TRANSGENDER] REASSIGNMENT SURGERY (IF ANY) WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE PARENTS OR COURT ORDER.”