Best Buy Announces Major Change

via International logo of Best Buy.
OPINION | This article contains commentary that reflects the author's opinion.

Starting in 2024, Best Buy will discontinue the sale of DVDs and Blu-ray discs, due to streaming platforms for movie and TV use.

This change is expected to affect both online and in-store sales conducted by Best Buy.

“Making this change gives us more space and opportunity to bring customers new and innovative tech for them to explore, discover and enjoy,” a spokesperson for Best Buy said. (Trending: Major Women’s Race Won By Two Men)

Best Buy CEO Corie Barry said, “Of course, the macro environment remains uncertain with a number of tailwinds and headwinds, soon including the October resumption of student loan payment, all of which results in uneven impacts on consumers.” (Trending: Ilhan Omar Caught In Major Lie)

“Overarchingly, we believe that the consumer is in a good place. But as we have said, they are making careful choices and trade-offs right for their households.”

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