‘Woke’ Books Found in Public School for 3rd Graders, Examples Include ‘Gender Queer’ and ‘A is for Activist’

OPINION | This article contains commentary that reflects the author's opinion.

Appearing on Fox News, former Wall Street Journal columnist Asra Nomani presented examples of “woke” books found in Fairfax County, Virginia.

She was accompanied by a panel of Virginia parents who were prompted to take action.

Speaking out on “Fox & Friends,” parents said this issue has impacted them most going into the governor election.

Nomani’s children also attend school in Fairfax County.

Showing examples of books being offered to children in the school system, Nomani explained that one book is titled “A is for Activist.”

It features an image of an individual in a ski mask.

“This is the book that then becomes what our children get in our school system,” she said.

“And you can see here, this subtle image of a militant. And this is what they are turning our children into – militants.”

Other books she highlighted were “Woke Baby,” “Gender Queer,” and “Not My Idea.”

This books talks about whiteness being a “deal with the devil.”

The book was reportedly part of a lesson plan from the Virginia Department of Education for third-graders…

Nomani said up until a few years ago, she didn’t know who was on the school board in her area but has since become more involved…

“They came after my son’s school. They came after the idea of merit and the American dream. I came here as a four-year-old girl from India believing in the American dream,” she explained.

The group of parents all expressed support for Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin because of his stance on education.