TIME Magazine Announces ‘Person of the Year’ Is Elon Musk, and Libs Are Outraged

OPINION | This article contains commentary that reflects the author's opinion.

Liberals aren’t happy about the fact that TIME Magazine chose Elon Musk as “Person of the Year.”

Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren became furious on social media, claiming that Musk is “freeloading off everyone else” and doesn’t “actually pay taxes.”

Right on cue, far-left”Squad” member Rep. Pramila Jayapal said it’s time for Musk to “pay his fair share in taxes.”

A self-described advisor to the Democrats and Left-wing contributor to USA Today responded that TIME Magazine “has lost all remaining credibility,” adding that their decision is “an absolute disgrace.”

MSNBC writer Katelyn Burns said TIME’s decision is “so embarrassing.”

Musk, who is a self-made billionaire and often listed as the world’s richest person, has openly criticized top Democrats and their agenda.

The billionaire tech entrepreneur recently trashed Joe Biden’s “Build Back Better” plan.

Slamming the Democrats for out-of-control spending, Musk argued that the government already spends too much.

Each year, the federal government spends trillions of dollars that it doesn’t actually have. This is “insane,” Musk says.

These comments came as a surprise to many Americans because Biden’s plan provides significant incentives and benefits to Musk’s electric car company Telsa.

“I would say can this bill, don’t pass it. That’s my recommendation,” Musk concluded.

Look at the responses from liberals:

Watch Musk slam Biden’s massive spending bill: